It is designed to teach you to photograph natural and urban landscapes photography. You will learn everything about the equipment and photographic theory. The workshop includes practical advice which allows students to take incredible photos by making the most of your photographic equipment. I will also show you step by step my process for taking landscape pictures and the digital development of my images.
This workshop is composed of a theoretical and a practical part. In the first section you will learn how to use the equipment and what technical parameters you need to use depending on each situation. In the second part we will go on a field trip in order to practice what you have learned and help you solve the questions you may have.
As a final exercise and based on your approach, you must develop a coherent landscape photography project which you can develop during the field trip or outside the workshop. You have a period of one month to send it to me for feedback.
At the end of the workshop you can:
Take landscape photographs based on professional parameters.
Know what equipment you need to use for each situation.
Understand how weather conditions influence landscape photography.
Recognize what are the times of the day most used by landscape photographers and for what reasons.
Demonstrate skills in team management.
Discover how to capture the essence of each scene.
Analyze landscape photographs with a solid visual criteria.
Implement all the tips I will offer throughout the course.
Develop your portfolio.